Version .NET Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 12/19/2011

Program Version:

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software .NET Maintenance Release with the release date of 12/19/2011.

Framework Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

Scribe Release Notes


Bug Reports

1. The Save Layout option was not working correctly for various screens, including Financial Report Writer and Schedule Inspections, among others. This has been corrected. (Cases 1903 and 1945)

Example Path: Home tab menu > Financial Reports > Financial Report Writer > Financial Report Writer screen > Save Layout icon

Example Path: Home tab menu > Inspections > Schedule Inspections > Schedule Inspections screen > Save Layout icon

2. When you added a phone number for a person, the program allowed you to save it without actually entering any number. This has been corrected. (Case 1930)

Example Path: Home tab menu > Property Security > Trespasser > Trespasser (New) screen > Person Details tab > Phone Numbers section > Add icon

General Ledger

Bug Reports

1. Errors in user privileges prevented certain General Ledger reports from showing in Financial Report Writer for some users. The same errors prevented certain General Ledger funds from showing in Authorization Setup for some users. These errors have been corrected. (Cases 1892 and 1928)

Path: Home tab menu > Financial Reports > Financial Report Writer

Path: Home tab menu > Setup > Authorization Setup



1. You can now automatically convert existing WinTen² form letters to Scribe form letters. (Case 1490)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Setup > Form Letter Conversion

2. In the Inspection Letter data source, we have added various fields relating mostly to applicant and tenant addresses. This ensures that certain WinTen² form letters will convert correctly to Scribe form letters (see Enhancement 1, above), but you can also use these fields in any new Scribe letter. (Case 1682)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > Data Source icon > Inspection Letter

3. Scribe can now update the database after printing. This allows the program to set a "Printed" flag automatically after an item (such as a work order) is printed. (Case 1944)

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An MRI Software Company